Racism in Computer Algorithms: What Needs to Change
Racism in Computer Algorithms: What Needs to Change Image: Sanders, Jill K. “CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.” Pappalardo & Pappalardo LLP , https://pappalardolaw.com/2022/11/predicate-felony-sentencing-ny-criminal-courts/. By Annalise Steinmann To study computer science is to achieve something remarkable. You’re acquiring an admirable skill, and by undergoing rigorous coursework, you’ve earned yourself an insignia of intelligence and…
A New Way of Modeling the Growth of Dark Matter
A New Way of Modeling the Growth of Dark Matter By Ali Fazal Christmas morning may have been a few months ago, but NASA still feels like it got the biggest present of all. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on the morning of December 25, 2021 in its quest to make more advanced…
To Kiss or Not to Kiss? Links between EBV and MS
To Kiss or Not to Kiss? Links between EBV and MS By Miriam Goodwin With Covid restrictions becoming looser, some will find themselves in new situations. Do you kiss the stranger across the room, do you share your boba on the first date, do you even share a water bottle with your roommate? Mono, or…
To Leap, or Not to Leap: How Animals Are Revolutionizing the Design of Robots
To Leap, or Not to Leap: How Animals Are Revolutionizing the Design of Robots By Riya Bhatia Balancing on the edge of a tree branch, a squirrel is presented with two options: to leap or to not leap. Although small and nimble, these animals are faced with the challenges of navigating complex environments and avoiding…
Can Machines Learn Chemistry?
Can Machines Learn Chemistry? By Bryan Kim Cover Image: Stocker, S., Csányi, G., Reuter, K., & Margraf, J. T. (2020). Machine learning in Chemical Reaction Space. Nature Communications, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19267-x. Although frequently employed as a tech buzzword, machine learning (ML) simply refers to using data to predict statistical trends that can extrapolate to new data.…
How Scientists are Using Statistical Physics to Predict the Stock Market
How Scientists are Using Statistical Physics to Predict the Stock Market By Ali Fazal Those that invest in the stock market may know it to be a relatively volatile endeavor. Investors must keep up with the latest trends, exercise personal judgment, and create their own criteria for trading based on their predictions of price movement.…
“Neuroforecasting”: Using Brain Data to Predict Stock Market Fluctuations
“Neuroforecasting”: Using Brain Data to Predict Stock Market Fluctuations By Anjali Sadarangani The brain’s duality of incorporating higher order thinking and emotional processing in decision-making is central to coordinated large-scale activities. For example, take the stock market, a space that relies on human decision-making in a competitive and dynamic environment. With stock market prices hitting new lows…
Mapping Stars and Cells: How Astronomy has Advanced Cancer Detection
Mapping Stars and Cells: How Astronomy has Advanced Cancer Detection By MJ SmithCancer victimizes 13% of biological women at some point in their lives, often inflicting significant emotional hardships and healthcare discrimination. For decades, medicinal technology such as breast cancer detection has been paramount for observational technology brought by other disciplines, especially aerospace and astrophysics,…
Rebuilding Neurons: Neurogenesis in Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine is one of the most recent and emerging branches of medicine centered around replacing diseased or damaged tissue via innovative technological and biological techniques. A promising pathway in regenerative medicine focuses on harnessing the limitless potential of human stem cells—cells capable of transforming into any of the body’s various cell types.
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Neurobiology of Long-Term Memory Formation
The concept of long-term memory formation is an incredible phenomena which remains far from understood. How is it possible for the assembly of atoms and molecules that comprises the human brain to have the capacity to “remember?”